jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Before Writing

1) What kind of details you need to include?

Plot and the characters.

2) Think about the kind of publication you are going to write.


3) What is your role as writer?

Peer and friends.

4) Think about the audience you are writing for.

Teens and adults.

5) Figure out your attitude.


6) What rating system are you going to use?


7) How to start? Will be a good lead-in or attention grabber?

The world is bad for kids, or kids are bad for the world?

8) Figure out the key points to write about and their order.

I will introduce what the book is about, then the plot, and then the characters.

9) How much background and context do you need?

Not to much, but I have to be clear with the war that is happening at those days.

Is the world good enough for kids?

The world is bad for kids, or the kids are bad for the world? This book is about the relationship between two boys they they parents have the pressure of the war that is between the Afghans and the soviets around the 1975.

In the 70's in Afghanistan, the Pushtun boy Amir and the Hazara boy Hassan, who is his loyal friend and son of their Hazara servant Ali, are raised together in Amir's father house, playing and kitting on the streets of a peaceful Kabul. Amir feels that his wise and good father Baba blames him for the death of his mother in the delivery, and also that his father loves and prefers Hassan to him. In return, Amir feels a great respect for his father's best friend Rahim Khan, who supports his intention to become a writer. After Amir winning a competition of kitting, Hassan runs to bring a kite to Amir, but he is beaten and raped by the brutal Assef in an empty street to protect Amir's kite; the coward Amir witness the assault but does not help the loyal Hassan. On the day after his birthday party, Amir hides his new watch in Hassam's bed to frame the boy as a thief and force his father to fire Ali, releasing his conscience from recalling his cowardice and betrayal. In 1979, the Russians invade Afghanistan and Baba and Amir escape to Pakistan. In 1988, they have a simple life in Fremont, California, when Amir graduates in a public college for the pride and joy of Baba. Later Amir meets his countrywoman Soraya and they get married. In 2000, after the death of Baba, Amir is a famous novelist and receives a phone call from the terminal Rahim Khan, who discloses secrets about his family, forcing Amir to return to Peshawar, in Pakistan, in a journey of redemption.

The principal characters are two kids, Amir and Hassan. Amir is a pashtun that in the book go out of Afghanistan because of the war. Hassan is a Hazara, that in the book, is the kid that stay in Afghanistan and ave some problems with some characters of the book.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Writing a piece of news

Stolen painting found by tree.

Now a day are doing more pranks because of the art teachers, like the new prank, that they paint a lot of trees of color blue, killing all the trees as a consequence. The art teacher says that the children need to be more creative.

We interviewed the teacher, and he say: "It is recommended that creativity in children, were much more stimulated by parents. However, the wild life has revived with all the color that has now the trees. But now, the environmentalist people are against of what says the teacher.

On the other hand, parents of children argue that: "They have to paint more trees for the creativity develops and have better grade on futures exams". But the environmentalists are against of what the parents say.

Environmentalists are creating a society to fight all the people who do bad things that kill the environment, including the children who kill the trees.

Scientists are studying that kind of situation and they say that parents are the problem behind the bad children that are creating the entire problem in the environment.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013



"Kids who view violents acts are more likely to show aggressive behaviour but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad wil happen to them".



There is a question that is very important in the children nowadays, that is: "Videogames cause an impact in the children behaivour?". Some people think that some children are vulnerabl to be addicted to the game, and copy the actions of the games. Like GTA V, that is a very violent game, and is for people over the 18 years old (here in Chile).


1.- To much of something, is bad for your health. (Source: www.kidshealth.com)

2.- The abuse of videogames can affect other things of your life. (Source: www.kidshealth.com)


Some children in the world are afraid to how is the real life. And they want to stay at home watching the T.V or playing videogames. And parents don't have a control over his sons.

Children are used to view so much T.V, that they don't know how is the world. And then when the
children grow up, they are stick in a computer or in the T.V, and as a result, they are very shy, don't have friends, don't have a girlfriend and THEY DON'T HAVE A LIFE!. And the parents think that his sons are a very good children, that are not addict to the computer or the T.V.

As a conclusion, the parents have to take a control over his sons and raise well his sons, so for the future, have a very healthy and good sons.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


I will start this text stating my opinion about tatoos in the social, religous, artistic and historical topic.

Today, the people of high society are discriminating the people that has tatoos, but those people don't have knowledge about tatoos, becouse tatoos can have a religous meaning.

About the importance that tatoos have for religions. Wecan assure that in some religions they have a meaning that reveals the rank of the person or they can have a meaning for some achievment obteined in that culture, for example the Maori.

In this paragraph I will refer again about the social status. When the high society discriminates the people who have tatoos they are making a very huge mistake, because when people hage tatoos, they are not necesary a people who work badly or that they are a drug addicts.

The artistic way to see the tatoos, is not very popular, but is considered art. like the japonese guy that does tatoos as art, becouse he was practising the art for a long time.

Finally, most people in the world, consider that tatoos are for people of a lower clan. But in my opinion they are wrong